Acabado Theme Review


This Acabado theme allows you to customize your landing page and link to monetized posts, specific categories, and Social Media accounts. Pinterest is a huge marketing channel for websites, and the Acabado theme allows you to add Pinterest images to any article. It also optimizes the Pinterest images for your site.

Easy customization

Easy customization with Acabado Theme lets you control your menu and redirect visitors to monetized posts, site categories, and social media accounts. This theme also allows you to integrate Pinterest, which is a fantastic way to promote your site. However, pinnable images can take up a lot of space on your website. Fortunately, Acabado has a way to hide pins. This feature allows you to create pinnable posts with minimal space.

The Acabado theme includes monetized posts and page options, a hamburger icon, and more. In the settings, you can also enable or disable features such as the monetization widget and the menu items for different screen sizes. It also provides options to manage review options, which can be useful if you’re running a food blog or affiliate site.

Lightning-fast load times

The Acabado theme is ideal for those who want their blog to load quickly and look great. This theme offers many features to make your site more appealing to your audience. One feature that makes Acabado stand out is its schema, which many other themes don’t have. Another benefit is its clean and easy-to-use layout. Many new bloggers tend to cram everything onto their pages, but Acabado can give your visitors a quick and easy way to navigate your site.

The Acabado theme was built with fast loading speed in mind. It achieved a Google Pagespeed Insights score of 100. The theme also has an SEO-friendly design, which helps to increase your site’s rankings. This helps reduce the bounce rate and increase visitors’ time on your site.

Drag-and-drop builder

Acabado is a theme suitable for niche sites and people looking for a quick and easy way to create a site. It is a lightweight theme with SEO features and optimized for mobile devices. This theme doesn’t require any WordPress plugins and is very fast. Acabado is also relatively cheap, costing only between $50 and $99 for the lifetime plan.

It is one of the fastest themes on the market. In addition, it is incredibly customizable. It is lightweight and supports many page builders.

SEO built-in

One of Acabado Theme’s key benefits is its built-in SEO tools. It lets you submit a sitemap and add an HTML sitemap to the footer to let search engines know what pages and posts are available on your site. In addition, you can write custom meta descriptions and submit them to Google Search Console.

This WordPress theme also comes with Google Analytics integration. All you have to do is add a code to the header to enable the integration. You can also upload a demo site. However, there are a lot of limitations associated with Acabado. It does not include nearly all customization features and styling options.

Anti-bounce protection

Anti-bounce protection is an important feature that helps to reduce bounce rates on a website. It works by showing a custom box when a visitor is about to leave your site. This box allows you to customize the content it shows, such as a discount coupon or the latest blog post. It helps you to attract new readers and increase the efficiency of your website.

The theme comes with built-in SEO and Schema to optimize recipes, reviews, products, and video content. It also optimizes images for Pinterest automatically. It also has an anti-bounce feature that appears when a visitor scrolls back up.