What is Wikipedia Used For?


Wikipedia’s unique features make it a valuable research resource, yet it should be noted that its articles do not constitute original research and may contain errors or misleading statements. Furthermore, Wikipedia adheres to strict editorial guidelines which disapprove of paid or sponsored contributions – although many such contributions still come in good faith.

It is an encyclopedia.

An encyclopedia is a collection of factual information on various subjects. It is frequently used for research and reference purposes. Information may come from multiple sources and is presented neutrally. Wikipedia stands out by being web-based; anyone can edit articles directly. As with any work in progress, its quality may differ depending on which articles are edited first.

New editors often feel intimidated by the size and scope of a project, making them feel overwhelmed and uncertain of which topic to write about. If this is your situation, try helping with other tasks before creating an article; once you know enough about your topic, write an article. Note that articles must be verifiable and substantial – short articles (stubs ) aren’t appropriate.

Wikipedia’s policies and guidelines do not enshrine specific positions; instead, they reflect generally accepted best practices that minimize bias while resolving disputes and fulfilling Wikipedia’s goals as an open and reliable resource.

It is a reference work.

Wikipedia is an extensive encyclopedia with information covering an expansive range of subjects. However, its strengths and weaknesses should be carefully considered when researching this platform.

Wikipedia stands out from other reference works by welcoming anyone who wants to contribute, enabling the creation of articles on topics not yet published elsewhere – these stub articles can then be edited and expanded later; at a minimum, though, they must contain at least one independent piece of factual data.

Wikipedia’s wiki format also allows them to publish excellent articles about timely events within days, such as the Wimbledon Championships 2007, the Lal Masjid siege, and the kidnapping of Alan Johnston. Editors must cite multiple independent and reliable sources in their writing, using a neutral tone when making claims or offering opinions.

It is a social network.

Wikis are web-based collaborative tools allowing users to add and edit content continuously. Most wikis are publicly accessible and open for anyone to contribute, though some require registration for additional features or controls for members. Some also include editors overseeing community norms and policies protecting members and contributors.

An excellent Wikipedia article should be impartial, referenced, encyclopedic in style, with verifiable knowledge. Unfortunately, very few articles reach this goal immediately upon creation; most begin as partial drafts before being adjusted through discussion, debate, and negotiation to achieve a balanced consensus on an issue.

The Wikimedia Foundation oversees ten sister projects to Wikipedia, such as Wiktionary (a dictionary), Wikisource (a library of sources), Wikimedia Commons (a media repository), Wikiversity (an online learning resource), Wikinews (a citizen journalism news site) and Wikitravel (a travel guide). In addition, it operates various initiatives, including its search engine and the Internet Archive.

It is a search engine.

Wikipedia stands out among search engines by being unique in that its articles are constantly improved and edited, often by anonymous contributors. While this process leads to articles with an authoritative level of information, it can sometimes also create one-sided articles that require months for edits to restore balance.

Wikis provide users with free, open content to edit virtually any page. While most wikis require registration or have rules regarding editing, the software allows anyone to write articles. Small changes add up and make the website better for all.

Before creating an article, you must have an in-depth knowledge of its subject matter. A great place to start would be an existing article; check for duplicate titles and review Wikipedia‘s article titling policy before writing your own. Also, before beginning to edit an article on Wikipedia, review the guide for editing, which contains helpful advice but doesn’t cover all aspects of editing Wikipedia articles in depth.